27 de outubro de 2011

The iPhone and the toilet

My son Breno, who now lives in England, had warned me, after buying his ...." purchase an iPhone and you will see what it is. "

I resisted for a long time, until this recent trip to Las Vegas, when my son Paul ordered me an iPhone 4, unblocked for use in Brazil.

There I was with Isa on the final day, strolling through the Forum Shops (a fantastic shopping center), when we faced with a huge Apple store. We had agreed not to shop in Vegas, because we would still at Orlando for 8 days.

Isa warned ...." But let's just get it ... we will arrive in Orlando and for some reason they do not have an unblocked one in stock. "

I trembled! ... She is always right. I entered the store. A wonder, madness .... we were very well attended.

- Yes - the kind seller performed.

- An unblocked iPhone 4 please.

- Takes one to you - Isa murmured.

- No! - I replied immediately.

- Enjoy, is inexpensive, you will regret later ... take one to you at once.

- No,

- You will regre......

- Gimme two, please.

Ready .....I bought it. I bought and even opened the box during the remainder of the trip. I looked at the box (beautiful by the way, a treat among Apple´s stuffs for fanatics like me now ... rsrsrs), looked, looked, and nothing ... fear of approaching it.

-Will you not open it and take a look at your iPhone? - Isa asked.

- No! In Brazil I think about it.

She then opened the other one, and began to move, and to navigate with the wi-fi in our room. And I, sideways, looked at each risked .... hmmmm .... this beautiful screen. And she said, "look at this, look what ...".

We arrived on a trip, that madness to unpack and, as always, look "that everything you think for those who bought thousands of dollars," and say, but that's it?? Where's the rest? Hey, the rest were those wonderful restaurants, one trip to the Grand Canyon, those Disney parks ...

And the iPhone! Yesss , iPhones ... where's mine?

Well, friends (paraphrasing the nasty Galvao Bueno ... sorry if anyone likes it), and then everything started. After devouring the 285 pages of the manual that I downloaded from the Internet, I was able to enjoy the toy.

Here an observation: manuals have always valued, I always read them in full. My kids despise. And worse ... they have the ability to operate a contraption without reading a single line of instructions developed by hard production engineers ..... ! What is this? Are they smarter than us? Good story for the blog, my friend!

Returning to the toy .... My God in Heaven! what I had in my hands .... Of course, at least, I can make calls ..... (laughs).

But more than this: hundreds of free or low cost applications to acquire ... each one cooler than the other.

Well, I have in hand, anytime, with spectacular resolution screen :

- I love games, like Battleship, Hangman, Solitaire, Sudoku, chess, bowling, golf, purrinha, Ludo, Labyrinth, etc!

- Point the iPhone to a plane in the sky, and he tells me what is the airline, flight number and destination

- point to the sky and it shows me the exact position of the stars at the moment

- with the internal GPS do wonders in terms of location, which is around me, who is near me, I "check in" on location, report what is happening at the moment for those who want

- it is a repellent to mosquitoes bugging me that night

- it has massager

- you have musical or pillow with forest sounds

- Interactive Pilates

- cardiograph

- 764,902 Songs

- 10,000 radios from anywhere in the world!

And the magic he does with our pictures and videos?

I could stay here until tomorrow telling you the potential of the toy. But it became a problem .... even a big problem .... I JUST CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM IT.

I spend hours exploring the news that did not stop entering its database, I take it to sleep with me on the table beside the bed, I'm holding it in the house (I don´t know why), having lunch with him next to me (at home or restaurant), I keep sailing with him on Facebook and Twitter .... I left my books, my guitar .... I only have eyes and hands for my iPhone 4.

Was it a 21th Century´s Tamagotchi ?

Oh, yes ... I almost forgot ....the title of the matter .... I do not take books or my newspaper to the bathroom anymore !

Help me please.

Messages of support or spiritual support to paulomarch@gmail.com

6 comentários:

Gusmão disse...

Carrano e Paulo,
Aguardo as versões em aramaico e sânscrito. (risos)

Ana Maria disse...

No problem. I use the translator of babylon

Paulo disse...

Carrano, talvez vc deva comentar o porque do texto em inglês.

Jorge Carrano disse...

Alô pessoal!
Por sugestão do Paulo, informo que a publicação de um mesmo post, em português e inglês, tem uma explicação, que nada tem a ver com esnobismo, exibicionismo ou outros "ismos".
Na verdade é um teste. As estatísticas de visitação ao blog, indicam um razoável número de acessos a partir do exterior (Américas, Europa e até Ásia).
Ora, os texto são escritos em portugês; logo, presume-se que os visitantes sejam brasisleiros residentes ou em trânsito pelo exterior.
Como é mera presunção, resolvemos testar, pois o ingçês é quase universal.
Se os acessos são, também, de estrangeiros, o texto em inglês facilitará a leitura.
Isso é tudo!
Obrigado pelos comentários, inclusive os irônicos.

Anônimo disse...

Notei que corrigiram os equívocos.
Ficou melhor, com o devido respeito (with due regard).

Anônimo disse...

A Democracia é o regime ideal, porém para um povo como o brasileiro, onde o nivel educacional é extremamente baixo, a politica, acaba no que estamos vendo, com falta de etica de escrupulos, um alto indice de corrupção, um dança dança de ministros, alto indice de corrupção, criação de cotas em faculdades o que causa um grande decumprimento e desrespeito a constituição etc e tal.
Na democracia o voto não deveria ser obrigatório, deveria ser por representatividades tipo voto distrital, em qualquer democracia deveria haver o pluripartidarismo representativo, como em outros paises dsenvolvidos, com isso se evitaria a eleição de palhaços, jogadores de futebol, analfabetos e despreparados.
Não não se ve nas escolas brasileiras, nenhuma disciplina com formação politica, como antigamente, educaçãocivica, geo-politica, chegando-se a conclusão que no Brasil temos uma inversão de valôres o que mostra que o pais para ter democracia tem que ter um indice de educação elevado, um povo alfabetizado.